Lines of Thought on Software Testing

Ok, let’s start with some thoughts on software testing. Sometimes I find it a good idea to clarify the meaning and connotation of some words for common understanding. So, here are my 3 words:

  • Checking
  • Verification
  • Testing

Is there a difference or is it just irrelevant wordplay? I don’t know, let’s elaborate.

When I hear “checking” I immediately see a boring check list and then I fall asleep. The word “verification” evokes an image of a bureaucrat verifying that all fields on a stupid form are filled in. Now it is “testing” that gets my blood flowing. I mean, looking over the fence to another domain: they are called food testers and not food checkers and their life is filled with glamour and delicious wine. That’s where we want to be, don’t we?

And: There were some famous people named “Tester” such as Desmond Tester, Jon Tester and William Tester. Well, they were not really that famous.

I see checking, verification and testing in ascending order of skillfulness. Checking is just following detailed instruction (e.g. detailed test cases executed by non testers). Verification adds some element of inquiry to it (e.g. detailed test cases executed by testers). Testing on the other hand vibrates in full swing by skillfully questioning the product.

The company I work for calls what my group does “software verification” for the only reason that the term “testing” was already occupied by production. My next mission will be to change the name of my group to “software testing”. And, of course, become better at what we are doing which at the end of the day is far more important.

And here is a good book to start with: Lessons Learned in Software Testing

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